Monday, March 8, 2010

Day 1-take two

Day one seemed to start off quite slower than I anticipated. Then I realized, for sure, that we are on “El Salvador time”. Breakfast- over an hour, fast food lunch- over an hour, getting some fabric for sheets- well over an hour. We ended up at the orphanage around 3pm and were greeted by children running out of every door available. I stepped out of the truck (by the way, we’ve totally gone old school and are riding in the back of a pickup everywhere we go. Just know it’s against everything that I believe in and don’t tell the kids. I don’t want to have to use the adage “Do as I say, not as I do) Our motto: pray hard and don’t look at the speedometer. I was hugged at least fifteen times in the first 3 minutes that we were there. “hola! Como te llama?” Do you know how hard it is to remember the names of over 100 children? I can’t even get my own kid’s names straight usually!

We quickly had to let go of our plan to start the de-licing upon arrival. Most of the older children were still at church and the younger ones were so busy playing and chasing us that it just didn’t happen. We have plans to do it on day 2.

Just a quick fill in for those of you that I don’t know: We have been in the process of adopting from ES for nearly three years now. Recently our adoption took a new road and we’ve had to realize that an adoption from ES is not in the cards for us. However, God had a greater plan and our adoption journey finally has an end in sight. I thought this new road and the promise of a child in the near future would make this trip easier….it didn’t. I had such an overwhelming sense of sorrow when I first arrived. Looking over to see Bobby holding a girl of no more than 13 months nearly made me lose my emotional self control. I don’t understand. I’ll never understand why. I quickly pulled myself together as I was pulled in multiple directions.”Vamos, vamos!”

How much do the girls love Bobby? I’m feeling some serious crushes going on. “Bobby, Mira, mira!!” Look Bobby!! And then they would touch their toes, or throw a ball in the air and let it hit them in the head. We did find one girl that is just perfect to fit in our crate on the way home. She’s a chatty Cathy though so we’ll have to find some way to silence her for the plane ride. Oh, I jest. Sorta.

I loved every minute of today. I even let the girls braid my hair during which time I had a personal devotion with the Lord. “Please God in Heaven, let the lice hate my hair. Help me keep my hands below my shoulders so as not to inoculate myself. And God, did you know that they don’t have soap in the bathroom? Amen.” I think the Lord is still working on my stronghold J

The sweetest thing was listening to the 2-4 year olds do their devotion in the evening before bed. All of these little beings sent up the sweetest prayers straight from their heart, criss cross applesauce in the floor with their little eyes closed and hands folded. “Dear Lord, please protect the Americans and thank you for letting them be here”. How touching that they are praying for us when the whole point is for us to be here praying for them.

God is good and he definitely filled us with “sweet kisses” (as my friend Alicia says) all day long. We can’t wait to see what is in store for us tomorrow! Pray for us as critter clean up is in our future and continue to pray for our protection as we may or may not have had to yell loudly like strong men so as to ward off gangs while we might or might not have been riding in the back of the pickup truck in the dark……maybe. If you’re Mary Lauren’s and Amanda P’s mom you can read the “may NOT’s and might NOT’s.”

Thanks for reading!



  1. Amanda was a cheerleader in school. She knows how to yell LOUD! Tell her I said DO IT!!!!
    Prayers are constantly being sent your way! God
    bless you all!

  2. As soon as I started reading this post I knew it was written by Sonjie. I had to scroll down and sure enough I was right. You always make me laugh. I'm glad you've experienced the crazy driving in a foreign country (although even I didn't ride in the back of a truck). Tell Bobby to enjoy his week of being a rockstar. It's back to reality this time next week. ;-) Standing in the gap for all of you. Can't wait to hear all about it in person.

    XOXO from TN--M

  3. Tears... streaming (and wishing I was there with you). Did you think for a second they would not love Bobby? You all are TOAST... with YOUR little girl!

  4. This was so great to read. So love the sweet kisses. God is protecting you for sure!

  5. Love this Sonja! Your heart is transparent in this post. There are tears in my eyes as I read this. Thanks for sharing! We'll be praying for the rest of your trip!
